VISI PUSTAKA: Buletin Jaringan Informasi Antar Perpustakaan
<div style="background-color: #9ed9e6; border: 1px solid #bae481; border-radius: 5px; text-align: justify; padding: 10px; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 14px; margin-left: 10px;"> <p>VISI PUSTAKA : Buletin Jaringan Informasi Antar Perpustakaan (Jurnal VISI PUSTAKA) merupakan jurnal nasional bidang kepustakawanan yang diterbitkan oleh Perpustakaan Nasional RI. Ruang lingkup penerbitan Jurnal VISI PUSTAKA fokus pada kajian dan penelitian mutakhir bidang kepustakawanan, yang mencakup ilmu perpustakaan, dokumentasi, dan informasi yang tertuang dalam <a href="/vp/about/editorialPolicies#focusAndScope" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><em><span style="font-family: verdana,geneva;"><span style="font-size: small;">Focus and Scope</span></span></em></a>. Setiap artikel yang diterbitkan Jurnal VISI PUSTAKA melalui proses review dan editorial yang ketat serta menghormati ketentuan hukum hak cipta, privasi, dan etika publikasi ilmiah. Konten informasi jurnal ini bersifat <em>open access</em> di bawah lisensi <em><span class="cc-license-title">Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0</span> </em>(<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><em>CC BY-SA</em></a>).</p> </div> <div style="background-color: #f8eef9; border: 1px solid #bae481; border-radius: 5px; text-align: justify; padding: 10px; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 14px; margin-left: 10px;">Bagi pembaca, penulis, dan pengakses situs jurnal yang ingin mengirimkan naskah ke jurnal ini, silakan mendaftar (<em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">register</a></em>) sebagai author kemudian <em><a href="/vp/user/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">login</a></em> untuk submit naskah. Informasi penulisan dan submit naskah dapat diakses di <em><a href="/vp/about/submissions#authorGuidelines" target="_blank" rel="noopener">author guidelines</a></em> dan ikuti pentunjuknya di situs jurnal.</div>Perpustakaan Nasional RIen-USVISI PUSTAKA: Buletin Jaringan Informasi Antar Perpustakaan1411-2256<ul><li>This statement is the author's commitment to respect copyright, both in terms of citing other people's work and the utilization of journal content. Where necessary, author may send the <strong>Manuscript Authenticity</strong> <strong>Statement </strong>and/or the <strong>Transfer Copyright Statement</strong> that "the work is the original idea of author and has never been sent to another publisher and published in other publication".</li><li>The publication right of the journal is the journal manager property within author's knowledge, and the moral right of publication is the author property.</li><li>The formal legal aspects of journal publication utilizing refer to the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 (<a href="" target="_blank"><em>CC BY-SA</em></a>) license [see also <strong>open access policy</strong>].</li></ul>IMPLEMENTASIAN STANDAR NASIONAL PERPUSTAKAAN SMP/MADRASAH TSANAWIYAH DI SMPN 01 KOTA BENGKULU
<p><em>School libraries play an important role in supporting the learning process and improving literacy in students. Although Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the national education system emphasizes the importance of providing learning resources, many school libraries still face obstacles in meeting these standards, one of which is the SMPN 01 Bengkulu City Library. This study aims to investigate the implementation of national library standards at SMPN 01 Bengkulu City and provide an overview of the condition of the library and provide recommendations for improving its quality. The research method used is a qualitative method, through interviews, observations, documentation, and literature studies. The results of the study indicate that although the SMPN 1 Bengkulu City library has sufficient collections, its management is still not optimal, especially in compiling, organizing, and adjusting to the applicable curriculum. Although the library facilities and infrastructure are quite adequate, there are problems such as the location of the library is not strategic and there are no mandatory programs and information literacy. As well as the need for library experts. The proposed solutions include improving the location of the library, developing these programs, and finding other solutions to meet the need for library staff. In terms of library management, the existence of librarians is very important, and the need for additional library staff with special skills is also recognized. The SMPN 1 school library is also advised to have a Library Identification Number (NPP) to identify and record the library. With improvements and innovations, it is hoped that the SMPN 1 library in Bengkulu city can improve the quality of services based on the Regulation of the Head of the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2017 concerning National Standards for Junior High Schools/Tsanawiyah Madrasahs</em></p>Aqiqah Bulan SariAnggun VediaRahmat Alifin ValentinoMiftahunnsa IgirisaPiona Chintia BellaDea RamadhaniJesi Ramadhani
Copyright (c) 2024
<p><em>This research focuses on collection management in the Elok Bertuah Library of SLB Negeri Pembina Pekanbaru, aiming to support students with special needs by providing inclusive information resources. In this endeavor, the SWOT analysis method was used to evaluate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the library's collection management. The findings show that the library has successfully provided a variety of relevant collections, such as braille books and braille Qur'an, which are very beneficial for visually impaired students. However, the research also found weaknesses in terms of inadequate storage facilities as well as a suboptimal cataloging system, which can limit students' accessibility to existing collections. Opportunities to improve collection management are seen through collaboration with inclusive education institutions and the utilization of government grants for further development. The implementation of appropriate strategies is expected to improve the accessibility of the collection and the quality of services to support the inclusive learning process and ensure that every student with special needs has equal access to information. Through this research, it is hoped that useful strategic insights can be generated for libraries in improving service quality and collection accessibility to support inclusive education sustainably.</em></p>Elvaretta Vito DhinosaPutri Nurul FaizahVita Amelia
Copyright (c) 2024
<p><em>Community Reading Gardens (TBM) is a form of lifelong learning facility that is expected to be able to increase people's interest in reading and literacy. More broadly, TBM provides access to information and educational resources that can stimulate the public to conduct research. The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of research culture as an effort to develop the potential of librarians in the Wadas Kelir Purwokerto Community Reading Park. The results of this study are: 1) the research culture for librarians was formed with the hope that librarians can follow the TBM curriculum development activities through the publication of scientific papers, the hope that librarians can live independently, and the hope that librarians can maintain the tradition of reading and writing; 2) the implementation of research culture is prioritized for the internal librarians of TBM Wadas Kelir and the general public by organizing various journal writing trainings, reference management training, and writing practices "one week one research"; 3) The research learning method of TBM librarians is carried out by lectures, dialogues, and the task of making research articles, while the strategies applied are to increase motivation, introduction to theory, and good practice in writing research articles and publishing scientific papers; 4) Results and Benefits of Research Culture for librarians, namely an increase in both their human resources (achievement, high number of scientific publications) and material resources (reward/honorarium for loading scientific papers); and 5) the research culture as a semi-autonomous TBM curriculum is basically an innovative activity that reflects the purpose of the establishment of TBM. Therefore, this support cannot be separated from other learning included in the official TBM curriculum. As part of the research competency process, TBM offers librarians the opportunity to work as a Rosette team in the form of a service. These facilitation activities by TBM are called "short-term goals" and aim to achieve results that are used to meet financial needs. </em></p>Mukhamad Hamid SamiajiUmi Khomsiyatun
Copyright (c) 2024
<p><em>Rumah Kreatif Wadas Kelir Community Reading Park Service Program is a literacy empowerment initiative that focuses on developing reading interest and creativity of the community, especially among children, adolescents, and the elderly. This Program was held in Karangklesem Village, South Purwokerto, Jalan Wadas Kelir as an effort to provide access to quality reading materials and creative activities that support learning outside of formal schools. This research method uses descriptive qualitative with Case Study approach collected through participatory observation, interviews with TBM managers, and documentation. The results showed that the Reading Garden Community Service Program Wadas Kelir Creative House through four services, namely lending and borrowing services, children's creativity Development Services, learning facilities services, and tutoring services. This Program is expected to improve the quality of literacy, build positive character, and open opportunities for the community to actively participate in social and cultural development. From here, the process of community participation and sustainability of activities, the TBM service program plays an important role in strengthening the literacy ecosystem at the local level with long-term impacts on the surrounding community</em></p>Nur HafidzFariz Nurul HidayatAmalia Nurbaiti
Copyright (c) 2024
<p><em>The philosophy of libraries serves as an essential conceptual foundation for the development and management of libraries as information institutions. This paper discusses the evolution of the library concept within the framework of Undang-Undang Nomor 43 Tahun 2007, as well as the core principles underlying library philosophy, such as open access, intellectual freedom, and information literacy. Through a historical approach and theoretical analysis, this paper identifies the role of libraries as agents of social change and cultural preservation, highlighting the challenges and future prospects in the digital age. The main findings indicate that modern libraries are not only centers for information storage but also collaborative learning and innovative spaces that facilitate social transformation. The conclusions emphasize the importance of maintaining the fundamental values of libraries, in accordance with the mandate of Undang-Undang Nomor 43 Tahun 2007, amidst technological advancements and societal dynamics.</em></p>Joko Setiyono
Copyright (c) 2024
<p><em>In today's digital era, so much information can be easily found. This amount of information, which is often uncontrollable, is a challenge in itself in various aspects of life. Information literacy is then present as one of the strategies in dealing with this challenge. Information literacy is the ability to access, understand, and utilize information effectively, which is becoming increasingly important in the digital era. The Community Reading Park (TBM) serves as a forum for strengthening information literacy, especially among people who have limited access to digital information sources. This study uses a field qualitative method with the aim of analyzing the role of TBM in strengthening information literacy in the digital era. The approach used includes observation, interviews, and documentation to explore data on the role of TBM in helping people make better use of information in the digital era. This research was conducted at TBM Rumah Kreatif Wadas Kelir. The results of the study show that </em><em>TBM Rumah Kreatif Wadas Kelir has made significant efforts in strengthening information literacy in its community through digital training programs, the provision of relevant information sources, and cooperation with local communities. Despite several obstacles, such as limited facilities and digital capabilities of participants, TBM Rumah Kreatif Wadas Kelir still managed to have a positive impact that was felt directly by community members.</em></p>Rafli Adi NugrohoSuci WulandariLulu Farihati
Copyright (c) 2024
<p><em>(Title "The Role of the SLB Library in Improving Library Management in Accordance with National Library Standards (SNP): Analysis Study of the Serang Mandiri Children's SLB Library, Banten Province and the Bina Anak Bangsa SLB Library, Pontianak City, West Kalimantan Province".) The aim of this research is to increase knowledge regarding 9 aspects of organizing, managing and developing SLB libraries in accordance with National Standards, as well as to motivate all elements of library management, including school principals, library heads and library management staff in managing and developing their libraries to be even better and also more useful for the user. This research uses a descriptive qualitative research design. The subjects in this research were school principals, library staff, and teachers as teaching staff. The techniques used in data collection are observation, interviews, and documentation with data analysis techniques. The results of this research are the role of libraries in improving library management according to the National Library Standards in the Serang Mandiri Children's SLB Library, Banten Province and the Bina Anak Bangsa SLB Library in Pontianak City, West Kalimantan Province which have not been managed optimally for 9 aspects of library standards, namely from the library collection aspect, facilities and infrastructure, library services, library administration, library management, However, in the aspect of developing innovation and increasing the love of reading, the Serang Mandiri Children's SLB Library, Banten Province and the Bina Anak Bangsa SLB Library, Pontianak City, West Kalimantan Province have org</em><em>anized and developed it with various activities innovative and creative. Meanwhile, the ratio aspect of the development index can be stated that the ratio of the number of library members at the Serang Mandiri Children SLB Library, Banten Province to the availability of printed books is 1:2 and at the Bina Anak Bangsa SLB Library, Pontianak City, West Kalimantan Province, namely 1:1. library for all library members in both libraries is not yet fulfilled; while equal access to library services for users at all levels and classes; and the number of library activities involving users has been fulfilled.</em></p>Tinna Noviyanti
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