Database, Scientific Journal, Open Access, ScopusAbstract
To play an active role in increasing the contribution of knowledge management to society, a research on oil and gas needs access towell reputed scientific journal resources. However such resources are still difficult to find. This condition has forced researchers to find their own way in searching for information they need. In order to support the research activities and reduce financial dependence, a disclosure on the availability of open access journals has been done by evaluating a scientific journal reference namely the Scientific Contribution Oil and Gas of 2010-2014. A descriptive study is used to find out type of access, characteristics and data base. The results show that there are 492 articles used by researchers as their primary reference. Most of these articles are accessible online and more than a half have open visibility. Morover; Scopus articles that are accessible for free reach almost a half of the total population. Open access journals are likely to befound in database with .net domain and five years recentness. However, there are only few open access with DOI. The study also shows that articles written in Indonesian language are bigger in number than English articles. Open access journal articles are mostly made available by collaboration. Malaysia has shown its consistency in making the articles completely free. Research Gate as an alternative source plays a potential role in providing Scopus reputable open access article. Moreover, researchers' awareness in making their own articles free for access through their affiliated database is believed to be one iffactors that will reduce the dependence on journal subscriptions.References
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