Hikayat Susunan Kuning dalam Negeri Gagelang: Sebuah Tinjauan Historiografi


  • Dwi Puji Rahayu Sastra Indonesia, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Asep Yudha Wirajaya Prodi Sastra Indonesia, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Sebelas Maret




Sunan Kuning, Geger Pacinan, Chinese, Colonial, and Historiography


This study aims to present a historiographic review of the text of the Yellow Tale in the State of Gagelang (hereinafter abbreviated as HSK). This research uses the historical method. The steps used in this study are (1) heuristics; (2) criticism; and (3) historiography. The results of research on this study are known that (1) In the text HSK tells about Sunan Kuning to his descendants and various conflicts in it; (2) The history of the tumult not only describes the conflict between Java and China, but also indicates the interference of the Dutch colonial involvement in it; (3) The relevance between the HSK text and the history of Pacer commotion. The relevance is illustrated by the existence of relevant and interrelated events between the HSK text and the history of Pacer commotion. During this time, the discourse that continues to be "echoed" by the colonial side is the commotion of Chinatown is a dark history for humanity in the archipelago. In fact, the discourse continues to be reproduced when various riots erupted in the country. The discourse that is raised is always based on ethnicity, religion, race, and intergroup. Thus, the presence of the HSK text is an important witness for the history of humanity on earth in the archipelago. In addition, HSK also uses the background of the banner story. It shows that history is not always written by "winners". Because the banner story is a folklore that is so closely related to the life of the Indonesian people. Therefore, a comprehensive and integral study of HSK and other historical texts is absolutely necessary to be carried out in order to reveal the true historical facts. So, Indonesian people can re-recognize the history of their ancestors, both through colonial sources and from the perspective of the nation's own historiography.


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